We can assure you that wherever your business is located the NordVent specialists are always ready and promptly solve every technical and organization issue connected with the equipment, without reflecting on the quality.Oil factory, Chiller, HPAC, Nordvent

Our Customers will always be offered the best quality and supply of the NordVent system equipment.

Thanks to this customer commitment characteristic, we may say that among our Customers there are not only many big private Companies but many Government and State owned companies as well.

Large volumes of NordVent equipment are installed in the Health, Hospital and Pharmaceutical environments as well as in the mechanical, electronic and microelectronics environments, telecommunication and information technology sectors.

Here below are few examples of the reference projects where the NordVent equipment works with great success and customer's satisfaction in terms of it’s technical performance:Pharmaсeutical, production of drugs, Nordvent HPAC,

- Tbilisi, Georgia:  Air Handling Units with inverter. Project Zugdidi - Shopping mall Centre.

- Kazakhstan, Astana, Orynbor str.: Chiller with freecooling ssystem and Close Control units - Clinical Reahabilitation Complex of Medical Centre of the Administrative Departmnet of President of the RoK.

Kazakhstan, Almaty, Manasa str. 40, Chillers and Close Control Units -  Children's Clinical Hospital of Almaty 

- Vilnus Lithuania: Air cooled water chillers with free cooling system and Close Control Units - Hospital application.

- Belarus: Air cooled water chillers type with free cooling system and Close Control Units - Hospital application.

- Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Chillers - Regional children's Clinical Hospital

- Kazakhstan Almaty, Abaia 91: Close Control Units and Chillers - Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Oncology and  Radiology.
